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The Transportation Museum Andrew Mancini, Director

Transportation Museum 2014: Map
Guests use this map to navigate through the 2014, 7th Annual museum's attractions and exhibits.

Transportation Museum 2013: Map
Guests use this map to navigate through the 2013, 6th annual museum's attractions and exhibits.
Transportation Museum 2015: List of Exhibits
The 2015, 8th annual museum was the first museum to take place at the multi-use room of Brittan Acres Elementary School. There was no map at the museum, but here is a list of the exhibits:
Transportation Hall of Fame
Submarine Dive
Transportation Collectibles
Around The World With Trip Planning
The Mail Must Go Through
Flight Simulation by Brandon D.
Transit Simulation
Create Your Own Airline
Slot Car Racing @ the Bruins 500
Robotic Railroad
The Future of Transportation by Ethan C.
Zoom! Ziplines
Soarin' over the Transportation Museum
Transportation Museum 2016: List of Exhibits
The 9th annual museum in September 2016 was located at the multi-use room at Brittan Acres Elementary School.
Exhibits in red are interactive. Click the bold exhibits to learn more.
From Frisbees to Flashlights
- Search through a suitcase for transportation-related collectibles
- Write all 10 items down for a chance to win a prize
Space: 66 Years and Counting
- The History of Rockets and The Space Race
- Famous quotes from space exploration
- Interesting Facts about the International Space Station
- What's For Dinner—meals in space and the myth behind "astronaut" ice cream
- Taste-test "astronaut" ice cream
- The Future of NASA
- How motels were created (too long of a drive between the two cities)
- Match hotel logos with their name (game)
- Comparison of cost and time today when traveling by car (Highways 5 and 1), iiiairplane, bus, and train
- What's planned in the future: The High-Speed Rail and the Hyperloop
Bus Driver Training Zone
- Drive a remote-controlled bus through an obstacle course
- Play a super fun bus driving simulation game
Lights, Camera, Action: Transit in Movies
- Watch scenes from 3 transportation movies and 1 TV show episode
Aeronautics and Flight Simulation by Brandan D.
- Learn about aeronautics and view some of Brandan's collectibles
- Pilot a plane with a very realistic flight simulation software
Model Railroad by Alex C.
- Watch a model railroad circle around a village
Float Your Boat
- Learn why boats float and what buoyancy and water displacement is
- Build your own boat out of LEGOs
- Try to build a boat that doesn't sink, but has the most cargo containers
The Glades Runner Airboat Experience
- After a brief safety video, climb aboard an airboat in the Florida Everglades
- You'll travel through a river of grass, while your airboat shakes and turns
- Expect some flying grass, the wind in your face, and possibly some live animals iiionboard!
Interactive Exhibits
Museum Maps and List of Exhibits
Scroll down to see museum maps from the 2013 and 2014 museums, and a list of exhibits at the 2015 and 2016 exhibits. To see all of the museum's exhibits, click here.
When the 2017 museum exhibits and date has been decided, check the home page. You'll see a sneak peek of some of our most interesting exhibits at the 10th annual museum.
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