The Transportation Museum Andrew Mancini, Director
Transportation Museum 2015 > Create Your Own Airline
What's it like to be in control of a large airline? At this museum exhibit, guests could come up with some creative ideas for their airline, design one of the airplanes in their fleet, try putting the airline in the "real world" with the virtual simulation game, Airline Empires.
In this step of the exhibit, guests answered a few questions to get themselves thinking about what's special about their airline.
What colors will your airplane be? Will there be any cool designs on it? Using Boeing's technology, guests were able to create a plane that they want for their airline's fleet.
Now, you—just like museum guests—can create an airline in the "real world" based on what you created in the first step. If you have questions about playing the game or trouble logging in, contact us.
Instructions for getting on:
1. Go to Airline-Empires.com
2. At the top right of the screen, click "Sign In"
3. Username: TheTransportationMuseum
4. Password: tm2015
What airlines did guests create?
At the museum, guests came up with some interesting ideas for airlines! Look below for the ideas, and once you're done creating your own airline, let us know the details and they will be added to this list.
Wacky Way Airlines only allows passengers wearing costumes. Tickets are reasonably-priced and all flight attendants dress in spooky costumes. It's a costume party in the sky!
Russian Airlines flies to Asia, and it flies all passengers. Seats are priced reasonably, and all the flight attendants, pilots, and passengers are friendly.
Pointlessness Airlines flies passengers who can't read about where the airline goes or how much it costs. It flies between San Francisco and San Francisco, and seats go for $1000000000000000000000000000.
Giants Flights flies in the U.S. and Europe, and it flies passengers of all ages. Seats cost an average amount. The airline is designed to fly Giants fans!
Awesome Rides will fly any type of passenger, as long as the passenger is awesome. Seats go for cheap, which is one of the main reasons why the airline is special, besides the airline being awesome itself.