The Transportation Museum Andrew Mancini, Director
2 different transit agencies sent me a total of 4 different magnets! They were shown on the refrigerator at this year's museum, and guests loved them!
Southeastern Pennyslvania Transit Authority sent me this subway train, with SEPTA's logo, along with the number to call if you need Septa Info. The white magnet really worked well with the black background.
Also sent by SEPTA, this magnet has a picture of PHLASH, Philidelphia's Downtown Loop. The purple bus can definitely be seen on the streets, and if you ever need PHLASH info, call the number on the bus.
This is the third magnet sent by SEPTA, and shows SEPTA's bus, website and phone number to call if you need information.
Tracks are for Trains -- Not for Playing Games! Sent by Capital Metro (Austin Transit), you can remember the ACORN rules, by rememering that Earl P. Nutt is a squirrel, and squirrels like acorns.