The Transportation Museum Andrew Mancini, Director
2016 Transportation Museum: Important Information
Get the facts on this year's Transportation Museum, from how to get there to the hours. If you have more questions, contact us. To learn about some of this year's exhibits, click here.

In the Transportation Hall of Fame exhibit, guests viewed dioramas of different cities with their transit agencies. In addition, guests could push a button to make the background light up.
When is the Museum?
When: Sunday, September 25, 2016
Hours: 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Where is the Museum?
Where: Multi-Use Room at Brittan Acres Elementary School
Street Address: 2000 Belle Avenue, San Carlos
Entrance: Enter on Tamarack Avenue through the teachers parking lot
Parking: Street Parking is available on Tamarack Avenue
Directions: Click here for directions >
Who is invited?
This event is for both kids and adults. The whole family is invited.
Other Notes:
Snacks will be provided.
Last entrance into the museum at 2:40 p.m.
If you have other questions, contact us >